Sunday, September 21, 2008


Clickers and radio frequency cards are essentially remotes that allow professors with large lecture classes to poll their students. It’s like being in a game show, except that if you get the wrong answer it negatively affects your grade. However for some reason buying a clicker or radio frequency card seems to be a hard concept to grasp. Take this caller for example:

Girl:“Do you have clickers?”
Me: “Clickers are down stairs in textbooks with the cashiers.”
Girl:“Can I put one on hold?”
Me: “No actually, you just have to come in.”
Girl:“And you buy them, right?”
Me: “Yes, you buy them.”
Girl: “And where are they?”
Me: “Downstairs with the textbook cashiers.”

No, we give away clickers for free, just like we give away textbooks.


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