Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bits and Pieces

I haven't updated in a while so I figured I would write a bit today about a few stories from over the past few days.

Similar to High Tide's textbook request experience, I had a grown man (whom I am going to assume was a father) who called asking for a book:
Me: "Is it a general book or a textbook?"
Man: "It's a general book for school"
Me: "So it's a textbook then?"
Man: "Yeah"
Oh, if only our high school parents could read!

After that gentleman there were two high school girls who came in and asked if our store had a pharmacy. This was on Sunday, and they said they had gone to the neighboring pharmacy only to be told it was closed, but that we had a pharmacy. Wrong, neighboring pharmacy.

That same day there was a fellow employee who stopped by my desk to grab some paper towels because something had been spilled on a children's book. I said "uh oh" to which she responded "it's okay, it's about a swamp."

One thing people regularly say that makes me chuckle to myself every time is when they ask "Can you validate me?" I know they're referring to our parking system, but it is still hilarious to me to think that someone is asking me that question without thinking about how it sounds. However, I had my first encounter with a customer the other day who joined in on the joke. After he said "Hi, do you validate? (pause, sarcastically) I would *love* to be validated!" He agreed with me that other people usually don't think about how it sounds when they ask me about the parking.

There was a girl who came in about a week ago who asked where she could find a 'clicker' and what they were. After I told her that they were similar to a remote and that you used them in lecture as a sort of interactive thing where you chose an answer to questions asked in class, she groaned and complained. When I asked her if she was an incoming freshman (the group which uses clickers most often) she said no, that she was actually going to be attending the Law School. I didn't tell her (but I wanted to) that she has a lot more than clickers to worry about with attending law school!

-Badger Pocket

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