Monday, February 2, 2009

Could you say that again?

Recently I had a funny incident where a couple of guys stopped by the desk and asked me where they could buy a bong. So I started telling them where a few smoke shops were located (because hey, this is an information desk, and I'm here to give people information, am I not?). They looked a bit confused, and then one of them asked, "They have gongs at the smoke shop?"
Ohhhhhh, *gongs*. Yeah. And of course I couldn't tell them where to find a cheap gong, since they had already checked at the Japanese import store next door. They would have had much better luck if they really had been looking for a bong.

Another time a lady came in asking if we had mops. I didn't think we did--I'd never seen them in the supplies section, and it was a bit odd she asked considering that she seemed intelligent, and not the sort of person who would expect to find mops in a bookstore. I tried clarifying by asking her if she meant the kind of mop that you use to clean a floor (though there isn't really any other type of mop that I know of). "Oh no, I'm looking for maps (still sounded like mops), like of the city," she replied. At which point I realized that she was speaking with an odd sort of British accent and directed her to the book information counter. Sometimes people must think I'm kind of stupid. I wonder if the write about it in their blogs!


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